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Brickwork: Historic Development and Repair

2018-09-25T08:33:38+00:00 October 13th, 2014|Categories: Knowledge Base|Tags: , , , |

Brickwork: Historic Development, Decay, Conservation and Repair by Gerard Lynch Previously considered to be an inferior material to stone, brick construction was rarely used in Britain until the close of the Middle Ages. Gerard Lynch looks at its historical development over the last 600 years and its conservation and repair. TUDOR BRICKWORK 1485-1603 The popularity [...]

Types of Brick Pointing

2018-09-25T08:20:02+00:00 September 24th, 2014|Categories: Knowledge Base|Tags: , , , |

Types of brick pointing The mortar joints in brickwork have a significant influence on the overall appearance. Mortar joints have a marked effect on the appearance of brickwork. They account for a surprisingly large proportion of its surface area – slightly more than 17% in stretcher bonded work. The colour and texture of the mortar [...]

Nebulous water spray clean

2019-08-07T09:26:07+00:00 September 3rd, 2014|Categories: Knowledge Base|Tags: , , , |

Nebulous Spray or intermittent mist spray Low-pressure water washing is probably the least aggressive form of cleaning. Its application is particularly useful where water-soluble dirt is present or water-soluble chemical compounds bind the dirt. Thicker encrustations of soiling which tend to form in protected areas of a building not regularly washed by rain may be [...]